LIVE: It's REAL: Satanic Ritual Torture, CPS Whistleblower Tells All, Public Trials Upcoming

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Friday, June 10th, The Stew Peters Show brings you an AWESOME new show to kick off the start of your weekend!

Brandi Brassel joins to share more about Warrior Bride Ministries & their expertise in healing children who were victimized in Satanic Ritual Abuse.

To further support Warrior Bride Ministries on their journey to Save Our Children, visit
Laura Barlett joins to talk about her products that treat snake venom, being BANNED from payment processors.

An anonymous whistleblower has joined to tell a horrific story of a rescued 5 year old girl that was used by a CPS trafficking ring, in Satanic Rituals.

Treniss Evans (The J6 Whiskey Drinker) is facing extreme persecution from Nancy Pelosi’s minions from the DOJ. He joins the show to discuss what HE thinks we can actually arm ourselves with to fight back.

Watch this new show NOW at!

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