John 14:28 - Verse Breakdown #56 | Ewaenruwa Nomaren

3 years ago

This Verse Breakdown is going to be explaining John 14:28, but specifically the last phrase: "For my Father is greater than I." A lot of Christians have seen this verse, along with verses like John 4:34, 5:19, 30, 6:38, 12:49-50, but they don't know how those fare up with verses like Revelation 1:8, where Jesus Christ said that he was the "Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end", and even, the Almighty".

So what did Jesus Christ mean? What kind of power or authority COULD God have over Jesus Christ?

Watch this brief video and find out!

Also, in our other channel, "It Pays to Fear God", we've made a video called, "Is Jesus Christ God Almighty?", which goes into more detail about the differences that Jesus Christ and God have, and whether the theory that God and Jesus Christ are one and the same person is scriptural or completely man-made and pagan.

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