2 years ago

God is getting us free from the Apparatus of Religion/ and the Political Apparatus in the church which is going to throw MANY leaders/sheep off because so many are comfortable under those apparatuses. They will even use the excuses of “your not speaking the truth in love” without realizing that the closer you walk with God the MORE TRUTHFUL you become! As well as loving, but in this hour God is desperately trying to get those stuck in lower parts of the mountain too climb higher so that they can come under His wings of protection.
I see leaders saying one thing one minute and then when questioned about those truths from other scared leaders they backtrack and try to make those ORIGINAL things God spoke into less harmful ramifications when God didn’t stutter the first time He spoke them.
SO I see leaders compromising truth now to fit in/ and not lose favor with those that have been in their circles. And to that I would have to ask:
What are you tyring to protect? YOURSELF/Your pocket book or your ability to fit in? Because Jesus said that we would NOT fit in with this world and if leaders/sheep want to fall by the way side because of disobedience or fears of coming deeper into the INTENSE LOVE OF GOD – that’s between them and God.
Because none of us can walk another’s walk for them. BUT THIS IS A HEAVY SIFTING SEASON and things are getting very serious if we want to walk in the new! Meaning: we have SERIOUS choices to make:
1) The sheep will either stay stuck under familiar structures where leaders keep them stuck in false guilt by continually telling them to stay quiet, don’t speak the truth, don’t stir the pot, your in disobedience to leadership. - NO – YOUR PUTTING THEM IN DISOBEDIENCE WITH GOD! Which means you’re a false shepherd- WOLF! Because there are certain things the bible said we weren’t to tolerate! And just because Gods truth makes you feel uncomfortable about who you might offend- isn’t His/or my problem.
I don’t know about you- but the world we live in right now lacks TRUTH- so how on earth do you think they are going to learn which way to walk unless we begin to speak up and walk IN GODS TRUE WAYS! Which include NOT TOLERATING JEZEBEL- so people can begin getting free and coming back into love (IF THEY SO CHOOSE).
Do you realize that many of you operate on the surface of relating when you relate with others? So anyone who challenges your ability to deal with DEEP TRUTHS makes you feel uncomfortable? I’ve heard you label us as “INTENSE, ABUSIVE (for telling you the truth) when had you been listening to the truth/applying it, the church wouldn’t be in the mess that its in! NOR THE WORLD because the church would have been setting the higher standards that God meant for them to walk in.
But the church has compromised Gods ways, hence – here we sit in a dysfunctional church/ who can’t go any deeper than the surface because it makes them FEEL too uncomfortable! Truth overwhelms them and now the devil is “eating their lunch” because you leaders have been too afraid to offend your religious peers, or the sheep themselves when Jesus told us in Matt 10;34:

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