#22 Gad Saad (@Gad Saad )- The Parasitic Mind

4 years ago

This week I am so lucky to have the one and only Gad Saad join the podcast! We discuss his newest book The Parasitic Mind, postmodernism, and his unwavering dedication to the truth and bravery.

Follow Gad on twitter https://twitter.com/GadSaad

Purchase the Parasitic Mind https://www.amazon.com/Parasitic-Mind-Infectious-Killing-Common/dp/162157959X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1CLW4JJR0JH68&dchild=1&keywords=the+parasitic+mind&qid=1607611503&sprefix=the+par%2Caps%2C440&sr=8-1

And listen/subscribe to the podcast https://www.chattingwithcandice.com

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