All About Hardplates

3 years ago

Hey Everyone. One of the most common ways a thief will try to break into your safe is by drilling out the lock. Hard Plates are another way that Liberty has you covered.

The first question you may have is “What is a Hardplate on a safe?”

A hard plate is a processed hard plate of steel that has been heat-treated to achieve a much harder surface. We then place that in front of the lock to prevent drilling.

Here at Liberty, we use two types of hard plates. In our Franklin safes and below, we use a triple-layered design. In the Lincoln safes and above, we use a ball-bearing plate design.

The Triple Layered hard plate has exactly what the name implies, 3 plates. As these plates sit in front of the lock, they are designed to shake and chew up drill bits. UL themselves couldn’t even get through the second of our three plates. They said it was one of the best hard plates systems they have ever run into.

The Ball-Bearing hard plate is known to snap drill bits. As the name suggests, it is a simple design of a plate filled with ball bearings. When the drill bit hits one of those ball-bearings, it will either snap or continue to spin, forever.

These two plate designs will help give you the peace of mind you need to know your valuables are kept safe.

That’s it for today. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more videos like this one. Also, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Stay safe out there.

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