We Don’t Need a License by Law to Drive

2 years ago

A passport is all that is needed as an American National. By law unless you are driving for commerce making money, you are only a traveler moving your personal property from point A to point B. This is a fact. We have been tricked with political law that does not match up to the constitution, and we are slaves under the current system. Being taxed and charging fees at every single turn while they send billions and billions of dollars outside of our country.

It’s time people start waking up to the truth of what they have done to us. We the people should be at the top and the government, they should be below us and they work on our behalf. They have flipped it.

Listen to EVERYTHING this guy explains. The truth can come from curious places and I thought this was very amazing that someone working in this industry knows the facts. Listen carefully.

It’s time to take back our sovereignty, I know that I never gave mine away in the first place. I just didn’t realize I was a slave and taught all lies until my eyes were opened to it.

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