Handling Stress Now! What A 37 Year Wellness Consultant Uses & You Can Too!

4 years ago

Stress is on everyone's shoulders, it's' on our "plate" it's on our skin for some of us, headaches or migraines for others. Children acting out, aggression, hyperactivity, we want our freedom back, we want to go outside, breathe, have natural light and life!

In all the years I have owned and operated a business helping hundreds in a professional space in Minnesota and before that in California, I tried a lot of stress remedies: the gym, cardio, walking, extra sleep, essential oils, adaptogens (herbs like Ashwagandha), valerian tea in the early 90s, smoking cannabis, and well, a whole lot!

In recent years, my only child came to be addicted to opiates following surgery, and then that addiction became one of the most painful events of our lives. Four years 2016 2017, 18, and 19 when I found him dead on his floor 10/29/19. I hurt. It is the worst most painful tragic experience I could never imagine happening in our lives. I am so physically drained and weakened, so emotionally crushed, and yet I am doing my best to be proactive, positive, get up each day, move slower than usual and not expect my usual self in terms of my energy.

Stress is an understatement. I was bent over, pissing myself over a year with controlled coughing, completely devoid of energy, such that going up the steps to home winded me and some days still does. I look drawn compared to my usual self, my eyes reflect pain and sorrow. My hopes and dreams centered around my child, my adult best friend, and the one who knew me the most. I am Zahwa's Mom! I miss him so much it's beyond painful. I can't share it with anyone except perhaps another mother who would truly get the depths of this evil and this pain.

I decided to get back on here and to give back, to help other Moms and children such that they would not have to become sideswiped as we were. Lifting him off the floor, having fallen and hit his head so many times, lips blue, Narcan administered, I was ecstatic when he was in recovery 3 months and I believe he was murdered and taken advantage of. We had plans to leave together in May of 2020.

I am thankful that Grandma taught me early that reincarnation is real. I likely would legally change my name but I am going to keep it, so when he seeks me out he knows where to find me.

I used a product that TRULY WORKS! Stress Remedy by Pure Synergy is one of a kind! The ingredient and synergy, as well as quality, is not found anywhere else! I highly recommend it and if you are in that place of energy drain, adrenal exhaustion or just general overall stress it's there and it works. I take 2 in the early part of the day and 2 later so one bottle lasts me 15 days. I went without it for a month and a half and I noticed that I missed it! I needed that lift until I can procure that lift naturally.







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