Friend That Said I'm A Bad Influence To His Family Because I'm Childfree Wants Help - Reddit Stories

3 years ago

**FINAL UPDATE (Reddit Stories):
I thought many of you would like to hear this small update.

I hosted a small CF Friendsgiving and some people (who have social media) posted pictures of the food spread on social media (F-book). My Friendsgiving was for people who weren't able to see their family for Thanksgiving, don't have family, or don't like their family. There was merriment, music, cats in laps, cards against humanity, and food babies. On someone's post of the spread...I was told that Dave came into the thread and wrote how upset he was.

Why was he upset? Because I let people into my home but couldn't let his family into my home. He tried to say I was a bad person for reneging on hosting his family in my home and they are still stuck in their hotel situation. How his 3 kids are unhappy they don't have a "real home" to be in for the holidays.

So I was told people chimed in and put him in his place in various ways...
- I never had offered or allowed them into my home. He used a big lie about a broken water heater to get access to my home.
- His kids weren't stuck in a hotel room for Thanksgiving; he posted pictures of them at his wife's parents' place where they all went...
- Someone brought up that he had been insulting me for years behind my back and why would someone who was the target of his insults want him in their house...

Apparently, he's still going on to anyone, who hears his screaming in the void, how I was a terrible person not taking in his family during "their time of need". His wife is calling me "a stupid bitch" who doesn't know what it means to be a mother.  How if I was a mother I would be a better person. She hates I have a home to myself....and how having a Friendsgiving and letting other people into my home is just increasing the pain that I've caused them. Both Dave and her think I had a Friendsgiving on purpose to spite them and rub it in their faces that I have my own cozy home during the holiday.

Yes...this is exactly the kind of stuff that gets you invited into people's know how people love to hear they are stupid bitches....The whole water heater lie situation was discussed at Friendsgiving. Some people saw some of the social media fallout and were like WTF. Everyone has been like what the fuck is wrong with Dave?

The consensus is that Dave can't handle being told "no". He's a 39y/o guy who just always was able to get his own way. He found a wife who is like him and it has made him worse, personality-wise. It's not necessarily the house situation, it's more that he was called out. He's deflecting his own embarrassment and doubling down. Refuses to acknowledge he lied and tried to manipulate someone.

I also just learned the term "vague booking". He's using his social media to vague book about childfree people being terrible people and how "they hate kids and want them to suffer during the holidays". Apparently, he's still refusing to just get a goddamned apartment with his pile of money from his house sale. Friends have said people are telling him to cut the shit and focus on his family rather than spend the energy complaining about the mess he got into by lying. He's just spamming their posts with tales of woe.

My petty side wants to unblock him and issue another text telling him that his harassment of me over social media has not gone unnoticed by many people. I don't know whether I need to tell him to cut the shit out or I'm going to have to pursue some sort of harassment suit. Frankly, I have no idea about the law regarding this and if it meets the standard of slander or libel.
My brined and berry-glazed turkey must have looked pretty damn good to set Dave off like an overheating water heater.

looks like the vast majority of the advice is to keep Dave blocked and not engage. Just let friends silently screengrab anything pertinent to me that's mean or defamatory. Dave probably wants a reaction, so I won’t give him the satisfaction.

Also, the berry glaze for roast turkey is a recipe I picked up from the JustNoRecipe subreddit. You can find it under "my jnmil wants my berry glaze". It is SO worth it. Imagine cranberry flavor merging with the roast turkey skin and meat. Like having a bite of turkey plus cranberry sauce. But because the berry glaze also has blackberries and raspberries... it's more complex. I also brined the turkey overnight with a boxed brine kit that was termed "fall fruit". I imagine this for other fowl would work well. Adding in cherries for duck would be great.

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Music: Lakey Inspired

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