Children Of Men "Live" 2009 - 2027

2 years ago

Blue Letter Bible:

"Children Of Men" 400+ Mentions.

Genesis 11:5 King James Bible

And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the children of men builded.

Movie produced 2006.

Movie set years plot line 2009 - 2027.

No Solar eclipse/Corona Ring in the movie but symbolically shown in the movies trailers. A prelude/warning to the upcoming Corona Virus Plandemic.

Diego Ricardo born 2008. (2008 Last year babies were born in Film)

as trailer and movie states:

plus + 18 Years (6+6+6) or 216 Months

+ 4 Months

+ 8 Mins

+ 20 Days

+ 16 Hours

Diego Meaning (Supplanter, someone or something taking the place of another, as through force, scheming, strategy, or the like.) Replacement, alternative, fill in, makeshift, surrogate, usurper, the deceiver. (Antichrist)

Ricardo Meaning (Powerful ruler, King, strong in rule)

So by 2027 Diego Ricardo has died the youngest human to die since the worlds humanity became infertile since 2009.

He died to Obama's Birth numbers. 48 216 666

Depicting Obama Born Supplanter King to Jesus the Christ.

Born to die and Resurrect as the Bible foretold

Antichrist Obama born 4th August the 216th day of the year 6x6x6 = 216.

Bringing plaques abominations destruction with him as he reigns on the earth making the world a desolate place. Movie Book of Eli 2008

Then comes along the British African American woman who births humanities only hope. A representation of AC Obama as savior bringing hope and change to a apocalyptic world who was on the verge of extinction within 100 years due to sterilization in the movie.

In our reality Covid vaccines and other Bill and Melinda gates Funded GAVI concoctions smallpox, chickenpox vaccines have and are sterilizing woman worldwide.

Read the movie plotline on IMDb and Wikipedia and you'll see biblical references of the young ladies midwife friend Miriam, a woman in the New testament.

References that the British African woman is a virgin with child like Mary in the bible, Taking the name of Jesus Christ in vain right at the moment of discovering the girl is pregnant in certain movie scenes. Copying/mocking the biblical narrative to sell the plot line story.

At one point the first and last release date on IMDb looked like this:

Children of Men IMDb 2006

1st Release 3rd September 2006 Italy

+ 4080 Days (Obama 4.8)

= Last release 5th November 2017 Holland

Now it looks like this:

1st release 3rd September 2006 Italy

+ 13 Years 1 Month 8 Days (Revelation 13:18)

= Last Release 10th October 2019

Which then leads into the Children Of Men Music score soundtrack
by the end of the film when the final credits start to roll John Lennon's song
"Bring on the Lucie" (Freda people) starts to play.

Lyrics read.

We Don't Care what flag your'e waving
We don't even want to know your name
We don't care where your from or
where you're going
All we know is that you came
Your Making all our decisions
we have just one request of you
That while you're thinking things over
Here's something you just better do

Free the people now (do it, do it, do it, do it)

Well, we were caught with our hands in the air
Don't despair, paranoia's everywhere
We can shake it with love when were scared
So lets shout it aloud like a prayer

We understand your paranoia
But we don't wanna play your game
You think you're cool and know what you're doing
666 is your name


So while you jerking off each other
you better bear this in mind
you're time is up, you better know it
But maybe you don't read the signs

Well you were caught with you're hands in the kill
And you still gonna swallow your pill
As you slip and you slide down the hill
On the blood of the people you killed

Stop the killing! Free the people now do it do it.....

More lyrics like this that are really direct and confronting are Rolling Stones song.

Sympathy For The Devil...

What's your name? Barack Hussein Obama.

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