More Therapeutic Approaches to Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction: Strong Support Webinar Part 2

4 years ago

This is part 2 of my webinar I did in May 2020 with Strong Support, an organization for Muslims with unwanted same-sex lust/attraction and behavior. I was invited to speak on the trends in therapy for SSA/homosexuality. I ran out of time in the live webinar, so I made an addendum video to finish my presentation. This contains the section about the various therapeutic approaches beyond Nicolosi's Reparative Therapy and Reintegrative Therapy: Richard Cohen's 4-Stage Model, Narrative Therapy, CBT, and Christopher Doyle's Family Systems Model, and various experiential approaches.

Note: thought the original audience is Muslim, this video and Part 1 are incredibly informative for any person interested in more info about SOCE (sexual orientation change efforts) or SAFE-T (sexual attraction fluidity exploration in therapy).

#StrongSupport #TherapyforUnwantedSSA #Homosexuality #TherapyEquality #SOCE #AllianceforTherapeuticChoice #IFTCC

Part 1:

For a more detailed presentation on Carolyn Pela's approach using Narrative Therapy:
Here is the Joseph Nicolosi video referenced near the end:
For more descriptions of the therapeutic approaches mentioned, check out my previous videos on the Alliance for Therapeutic Choice & Scientific Integrity conferences: 2018

If you're a Muslim with unwanted SSA, check out Strong Support:

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