"The UN 17 Sustainability Goals 2030 Agenda" Of Hell Blueprint Of Enslavement

2 years ago

Pope Francis The Black Pope The Vatican's first Jesuit Society of Jesus

Trump went to a Jesuit school. Says so Much.....

Pope Francis is the Second Beast of Revelation Chapter 13 vs 11

Barack Obama is the beast that rises from the sea the Second Beast the 666 Man of Sin Revelation chapter 13

They teamed up Publically and exposed themselves to their true identities when they began appeared together on the world stage.

"Obama I will come to your house Pope if you will come to mine".

Timeline of the Beasts...

13th March 2013 (13:3:13)

Jesuit Pope Francis announced at the Vatican

+ 13 Months

Obama /Pope 1st Meet 27th March 2014 at the Vatican.

To The 18th Month of Pope Francis time in office since march 2013

= September 2015

23rd September 2015 Obama/Pope meet 2nd time at the Whitehouse for his first official visit to the USA.

20th January 2013 Obama starts his 2nd Term Inauguration day term.

+ 666 Days

= 17th November 2014

Pope announces upcoming trip to the Whitehouse 23.9.15

Barack Hussein Obamas first term inauguration 20th January 2009

+ 60 Months

= 21st January 2014

Whitehouse announces Obama's trip to meet Pope Francis on the 27th March 2014

+ 66 Days

= 27th March 2014 Obama Pope Francis at the Vatican for the first time.

To the 80th Month 4th Day (Obama born 8.4) August 4th

= 23rd September 2015

President Obama and Pope Francis meet 2nd time at the Whitehouse USA.

The world is a stage a play a Grand Illusion of spectacle "Lights Camera Action"

Political theatre to deceive and subdue the already mostly dumbed down, apathetic, Ignorant, enslaved, sedated Sheeple masses who will blindly follow who ever is the next "Saul" as the story goes in the old testament.

The end of this age is soon upon us ALL. A new Heavens and a New Earth is coming.

We are ALL In the valley of decision. Its time to think where your/our Eternal soul will reside.

Heaven or Hell. Choose Life...

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