'Tommy Chong' How Cheech & Chong Broke Up! Tommy Chong Interview" "High Spirits" The JPDUB 16

2 years ago

"'Tommy Chong' Interview" "High Spirits" Episode 16 - The JPDUB
9 Jun

Tommy Chong is a legendary comedian, musician, actor and cannabis connoisseur and he joins us to talk about his career and more including the Cheech and Chong films and albums, his musical journey and jamming with Jimi Hendrix, his cannibas regimen and new items he’s developing, that 90’s show, his voiceover work, how he really became the REAL squirrel master while incarcerated and helped the Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort write his book, what cannibas was like back in the day compared to now, his favorite bits, and much more so spark one up and let all your cares go up in smoke!

Follow Tommy here:

Interact with us here:
Voicemail 1-872-267-4199
E-mail: jpdubpodcast@gmail.com

#TommyChong #CheechAndChong #jpdub

Growing Cannabis Week 1,
Growing Cannabis Week 2,
Growing Cannabis Week 3,
Growing Cannabis Week 4,
Growing Cannabis Week 5,
Growing Cannabis Week 6,
Growing Cannabis Week 7,
Growing Cannabis Week 8 Harvest,
Growing Cannabis Week 9 Harvest,
Growing Cannabis Week 10 Harvest,
Growing Cannabis Week 11 Harvest,
Growing Cannabis Week 12 Harvest,

Growing Cannabis: Super Skunk Is Something Special

#SuperSkunk #Vegita #cannabis #marijuana #weed

Late-flower: cannabis plants have completed their most vigorous bout of blooming. In weeks 6-8, the buds of your plants will begin to harden; the delicate trichome heads of your flowers will cloud and turn amber, and the once milky pistils of your buds will shrink, turn brown and become fragile.

#FloweringCannabis: Week-5/6 Of #FloweringWeed #FloweringMarijuana

#Horticulture #WeedAndWrestling

Flowering Cannabis Week 8 Flowering Marijuana WK 7&8
weeks of flowering Cannabis with 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness, the plant stops growing and every bud starts to develop trichomes,

Flowering Cannabis plants recycling nutrients ... Even after shifting, cannabis continues to grow fan leaves for a few weeks,

Flowering Marijuana Week 8 Flowering Weed,

Cannabis plants Flowering Week 6 for marijuana buds are just starting to build up the thc glands,

Cannabis Flowering Stages when growing Marijuana,

Cannabis Flowering Stages,

Cannabis - Week 4 Flower Weed Garden | Learn how to grow weed.

Harvesting Marijuana Week 8 (Day 60)


HOW TO GROW CANNABIS Week 8 of flower

Flowering Cannabis: Week by Week Guide! Cannabis Grow


Flowering Cannabis Week.

Weeks 1-8 Flowering - Cannabis

Tommy Chong, Cheech & Chong, Tommy Chong Interview, JPDUB,
2022 Cannabis grow,
Growing Cannabis From Seed to Harvest,
LED Grow Lights,
How to grow cannabis,
Complete Cannabis Grow,
How to Grow Weed,
How To Determine Male &Female Plants,
Cannabis Frosty Buds,
Cloudy Trichomes,
Growing Marijuana,
Growing Weed,
Growing Cannabis Plants,
Healthy Buds,
Harvesting Weed,
Flushing Marijuana,
Weed Tutorials,
Growing Cannabis,
Flowering Marijuana Tutorials,
Northern Lights Number 5,
Growing Marijuana,
Growing Weed,
Weed Defoliation,
Marijuana Grow Tutorials,
Cannabis Grow,
How To Grow,
The Best Cannabis,
The Best Cannabis,
Marijuana Tutorials,
Flowering Marijuana,
Growing Cannabis,
Growing Pot,
Growing Weed,
Mars Hydro products,
Indica Strain,
Cannabis Grower,
Growing Cannabis,
Marijuana Grow,
Loupe Magnifier,
Cannabis Grow,
Cannabis Grow,
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Grow Cannabis,
Harvesting Cannabis,
Cannabis Vegging Stage,
Cannabis Flowering Stage,

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