The Healing Journey of Ayahuasca with Bear Heart

3 years ago

Season 4: Episode 079 of Awakened Nation with Brad Szollose

Only knowing gang culture since childhood, Frank Sebastian Saputo found himself with a choice: stay in a lifecycle of violence and prison—and be dead by 30...or turn his life around 180º to become something else. Someone his daughters could look up to.

When his brother was murdered Frank sought revenge on the woman who killed him, but his brother's voice stopped him "Don't let her get you too. It was my contract brother. It's not your contract...your contract is to share, be and choose love. So this is your test."
That's when Frank started the journey of healing his trauma's and violence through the ancient and sacred medicine known as Ayahuasa (pronounced "eye-ah-WAH-ska").

It is known as an hallucinogenic, but it does much more than that; originally from South America, Ayahuasca is a psychoactive brew that is used in ceremonial spiritual medicine among the indigenous people of the Amazon Rain Forest. Ayahuasca is made from the combination of a shrub and a vine, with the primary psychoactive, DMT. It has been rumored to heal PTSD as well as heal emotional and family traumas and shame.
Whether it's Kambo, Mushrooms, Ayahuasca, Cannabis, Tobacco or other tribal medicines, these are powerful healing modalities that have been put on this earth to heal us...and used in tribal healing circles for millennia.

Frank sits down with Brad to take us through his journey of surviving as an alpha predator, to becoming Bear Heart, serving in thousands of medicine circles, and becoming the father he always wanted to become.

About Brother Bear Heart:
Some call him a Medicine Man or Shaman, Animal Whisperer, spiritual Guide, Healer, Psychic ...
As a facilitator of indigenous sacred Frank Sebastian Saputo, affectionately known as Bear Heart takes you on a journey of deep emotional healing, using the ancient ceremonial circles of plant medicine…medicines such as Ayahuasca, Cannabis, Kambo, etc,…these are tools that trigger deep emotional and physical healing. He also oversees Vision Quests and initiations/Rites of Passage for men, women, young adults and families.
Bear Heart's mission is to ignite your ‘INNER FIRE’, to step fully into your highest integrity and get in touch with your ‘Wild Man’ or ‘Wild Woman’ that lives deep inside us all.

Host: Brad Szollose:
Fueled by the passion to ignite game-changing conversations, award-winning author Brad Szollose created Awakened Nation®—a podcast dedicated to deeper conversations with today's cutting edge entrepreneurs, idea makers and disruptors, bestselling authors, activists, healers, spiritual leaders, professional athletes, celebrities and rock stars...conversations that take a deep dive into the extraordinary. This podcast will challenge your beliefs.

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