Resident Evil The Final Chapter: Dr Fauci, Donald Trump, Barack Obama

2 years ago

1. Resident Evil 2002

2. Resident Evil Apocalypse 2004

3. Resident Evil Extinction 2007

4. Resident Evil Afterlife 2010

5. Resident Evil Retribution 2012

6. Resident Evil The Final Chapter 2016

Nearly 15 years of "Predictive Programming" Forewarning of planned, orchestrated events to come by our global Luciferian overlords.

50 Year plan to bring about Net Zero Carbon Emissions?.

Not a 50 Year plan but rather to be implemented by 2030 to correspond with the 2015 UN NYC 17 Sustainability goals 2030 agenda.

Reality check: There plan is Net Zero with Net Zero people.

Georgia Guidestones (Depopulation) sinister sites Vigilant citizen website.

Donald Trump Inauguration Day 20th January 2017.

Trump Speech on that day 20.1.2017. Copy of hero/villain Banes speech in movie Dark Knight Rises.

+ 7 Days

Resident Evil The Final Chapter USA Release 27th January 2017

Dr Fauci 2017 "The issue of pandemic preparedness" "There is no question that there will be a challenge the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases, both chronic infectious diseases in the sense of already ongoing disease, and we have certainly a large burden of that, but also there will be a surprise outbreak. And I hope by the end of my relatively short presentation you'll understand why history, and the history of the last 32 years that I've been the director of NIAD will tell the next administration (Donald Trump) that there's no doubt in anyone's mind that they will be faced with the challenges that their predecessors were faced with."

Donald Trump brings "Operation Warp Speed"

Corona/T virus what's the Difference? Vaccine salvation? the virus is the Vaccine... More people are dying now post Covid vaccine rollout than died during the 1st two years of the Plandemic.

Revelation Chapter 6 King James Bible (Coming soon)

Seals 1 - 7

The Arrival of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse, (Coming Soon)

Seal 6 (Rapture of the true alive and remaining Saints)

Vs 12: Talks of the elite and the worlds population hiding themselves in caves, mountains, (D.U.M.B.S) like Cheyenne Mountain Complex Colorado USA because we will ALL see King Jesus coming in the clouds.

His 14 Judgments of wrath (climate change on steroids) is about to begin on ALL of the remaining worlds population after the gathering up harvest of the wheat. Revelation chapter 14. Tares Remain on earth.

Obama on 13th October 2016 Signed a Executive order entitled:

Preparing the Nation for Space Weather: The New Executive Order.

Trump on 26th March 2019 Signed a Executive order entitled:

Coordinating National Resilience to Electromagnetic Pulses.

Hollywood has mocked, blasphemed Holy KJB scripture by making a black humor Comedy/apocalyptic movie on the judgments/events/players of Revelation in the movie called Rapture Palooza 2013.

Released then in March 2013 to coincide with Obama's official trip to Israel.

Hollywood knows that these days are coming and who the beast man is do you?

Some of the Villains in this real life movie script:

All Antichrists in their own right in positions of temporal Power.

Donald J Trump, Dr Fauci, Pope Francis the second beast the false prophet, 666 man Barack Hussein (King) Obama The Beast.

Resident Evil The Final Chapter: IMDb

Release Dates:

1st. Tokyo Japan Premiere 13th December 2016

+ 4 Years 8 Days (Barack Obama birth date)

= Last release of the movie Globally to this date.

United Arab Emirates 21st December 2020

Resident Evil (Original) 2002

1st Release 12th March 2002 Los Angeles California premiere.

+ 18 Years 9 Months 11 Days (18 = 6+6+6) 18 years = 216 months

= Last Release of Resident Evil The Final Chapter UAE 21st December 2020

Inc world time zones

911 =

804 (84) Obama born 8.4

+ 19 + 61 (1961) Obama born 1961

+ 21 + 6 (216) Obama born 216th Day of the year = 6x6x6 = Wikipedia number 216 = Revelation chapter 13:18

6 Years 6 Months 6 days

= 4 Years 8 Months

+ 13 Days 18 Months = Revelation 13:18

+ 2 Days 16 Weeks = (216)

= 6 Years 6 Months 6 Days

How we write a Birthdate. Y.M.D

Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the End.

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