This question has defeated atheists for 11 years in 2021

4 years ago

Read this for the History of the ShockofGod challenge:
The atheist experience show FAILS my challenge
Theamazing(lyhellbound)atheist FAILS my challenge
List of atheists failing the ShockofGod challenge
Debates of atheists losing

From ShockofGod: When I first came to youtube I was shocked at how many atheists were here on youtube bashing God. They would bash Jesus Christ and Christians. So I began debating these atheists and defeating them very easily. It became obvious to me that atheists had zero arguments against the existence of God. When I challenged them to debate me and give arguments against the existence of God, they would WIMPILY and WUSSILY say "I am not claiming God doesn't exist I just lack a belief in God". I would then reply, then why do all your videos claim God doesn't exist but when I ask for arguments against the existence of God you don't have jack. You have nothing. Zero zilch Nada?

So I came up with the ShockofGod challenge that cleary exposes the fact that atheism is full of crap and those who embrace it get it all over themselves. Atheism is madness in it's purest form and it's time to drive a wooden stake right thorugh the heart of this evil. We've been doing this for over 11 years and no atheist has been able to stop the ShockofGod challenge. Zero Zilch Nada. We have proved that atheism is full of crapola.

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