THE KINGDOM OF SATAN Part 3: More Deception

2 years ago

Many Christians are blissfully ignorant when it comes to the Antichrist and his system. There is an erroneous teaching that all Christians will be raptured prior to the Man of Sin's arrival. This is a satanic deception that is going to devastate millions of believers in Christ when they see the Son of Perdition claim to be god in the rebuilt temple at Jerusalem.

According to the Bible, there simply can't be a pre-tribulation catching away. Another deception is the teaching that Jesus will come back at any moment. This is not true because the Bible lays out several events that must take place before Jesus' second return. The Bible says Christ will not come back until the day He comes to destroy the kingdom of Satan.

So if you are going to build a house, do you start with the roof or the foundation? It makes sense to begin at the bottom and then build up. It is the same with the End Times; there are certain things that must come to pass before the rapture and second coming of Jesus. Study the Bible so you can recognize the timeline of events as they unfold. Don't be one of those Christians looking around in disbelief. Start exercising discernment now!

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