🔴 LOCK-DOWN 2.0; Becoming Homebodies! A Plan to Resist Inflation, and the World Economic Forum, NWO!

2 years ago

~ (LET US RENOUNCE THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM) I found this quote in an article on Zerohedge, and the quote really sums up the jest of my video; There is a great difference between resisting evil and renouncing it. When you resist evil, you give it your attention; you continue to make it real.
When you renounce evil, you take your attention away from it and give your attention to what you want.
Now is the time to control your imagination and give your energy to what you want.”
— Neville Goddard
STORY; How To Protect Yourself From Davos Man
LINK; https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/how-protect-yourself-davos-man
~ SHARE THIS VIDEO! LEAVE A COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE! ~ Donations are welcomed! My newly UPDATED Cash.app address is; https://Cash.app/$Professorcurtisfre (Thanks for the help!) Through PayPal ~My email address at; professorcurtis@gmail.com or use this link... https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=A52ELY7Y5G9VC
🔴 THIS IS MY FACEBOOK PAGE CONNECTION; https://www.facebook.com/Urban.Treasure.Hunters
🔴 Now We Are Being Told To Expect Food And Diesel Shortages For The Foreseeable Future. (YEARS!) LINK: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/now-we-are-being-told-expect-food-and-diesel-shortages-foreseeable-future
🔴 Food Supply Shutdown: Deer, fish, pigs euthanized; crops not planted A video by ICE AGE FARMER 05/05/2022 ~ LINK; https://youtu.be/oOH9RkTKLOY
🔴 WORLDWIDE DIESEL PRICE INDEX LINK; https://www.globalpetrolprices.com/diesel_prices/
~ 22 Food processing plants, destroyed in just 4 months!
🔴 "1984" The Black & White Edmond O'Brien version.
LINK; https://professorcurtis.com/1984-1956.mp4
Taylor Farms in Salinas, CA
Azure Standard Headquarters in Dufur, OR
Walmart Distribution Center in Indiana
Rio Fresh in Texas
East Conway Beef & Pork in New Hampshire
Bonanza Meat in El Paso, TX
Cobb County Meat in Nebraska
Tyson Plant in Alabama
Hot Pocket Plant in Jonesboro
Made-Rite steaks in PA
Wisconsin River meats in Mauston, WI
Deli Star meat Plant in Michigan
Shearer's Foods plant (explosion) in Oregon
McCrum Potato Plant in Maine
Kelloggs Plant in Memphis
Cargill-Nutrena Lecompte, LA
Canned beans (don’t forget to keep a manual WORKING can opener on hand at all times! I have two backups just in case!)
Canned fruits
Canned vegetables
Canned meats such as spam, tuna, sardines, or chicken
Bulk dried beans
Bulk rice
Canned soups
Cooking oil (healthy oils are advised, such as coconut oil or olive
oil or avocado oil)
Seasonings (salt, pepper, paprika, baking essentials like yeast,
baking soda, baking powder, etc.)
Dried vegetables (great snacks and additions to soups)
Seeds and nuts (Chia seeds, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds)
Nut butters (peanut butter, almond butter)
Frozen vegetables yes, but be prepared for brown-outs.
🔴 The Movie; Early Warning the full movie about today made in 1981. This is pretty creepy. Link; https://www.bitchute.com/video/miK1VZaWCmxR/
🔴 UK's Largest Supermarket Begins Rationing Cooking Oil Amid Supply Disruption LINK; https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/uks-largest-supermarket-begins-rationing-cooking-oil-amid-supply-disruption
🔴 FBI Warns of Targeted Cyber Attacks On Food Plants After Mysterious Rash Of Fires. LINK; https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/fbi-warns-imminent-cyber-attacks-food-plants-after-mysterious-rash-fires
🔴 JaSans COFFEE and COFFEE INFUSED PRODUCTS ; Our tea box is the perfect gift for tea lovers! It includes two specially picked sample sized teas, tea ball infuser and other surprise items to promote wellness! LINK; https://jasansteacoffee.com/
🔴 MY NEW CHANNEL IS ACTIVE; Professor Curtis' FAMOUS CULT VIDEOS ~ LINK; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCahLg2dXem_6gAoyLtm0ufw
🔴 NONCOMPLIANCE?! The firing of the first responders that served us when we had no idea as to how bad C-19 was, and using Mandates created by self serving politicians to do it, is the greatest insult of them all. These politicians are making the situation worse and they have no intention of backing down. Because of these actions, the Financial Depression that we have entered will be far worse. So go Old School today. Reuse, recycle, repair, and rebuild. Gardening, sewing, cooking, canned foods, and food foraging. Blackouts and long lines are now guaranteed, just like in a third world country! So deal with it by simplifying your lifestyle. Cut your spending to the bone, vote with your dollars, and leave the neighbors out of your business, then be happy! Find out what still works, like the post office and eBay and work it! ~ Prof.
🔴 Sincerely, Thank you for your donations! My mailing address is; Professor Curtis P.O. Box 99851 Emeryville Beach, CA 94662 (My website) https://professorcurtis.com​​​​​​​​​​... Visit and share with me here. Email me at; professorcurtis@gmail.com ~ Thank you, for your love! Gold, Silver, Cryptos, Canned Foods, and Cash Money. P.S. Always be prepared to defend yourself, your stash, and your family. Start by not speaking about what you have organized to people outside of your in-crowd. ~ Prof. Email me at; professorcurtis@gmail.com Thank you, for your love!

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