Suicide Solutions

2 years ago

#suicide is not a joke. period
How do I know you may wonder?

Once upon a time ago, as a much younger man I thought of taking my own life, seriously....what I did instead was check myself into the hospital to get help,

Here we are many decades later, still struggling with #hereditarydepression and diagnosed #ptsd BUT I've overcome my demons and do my best to help others as this cruel fate has touched several friends over the years,

Now with so many factors from the constant #fearporn of the #mainstreammedia and our beloved #selected official's jamming it down our throats, to the day to day stress mitigated by the last few years, (thanks again #govcorp) the constant financial difficulties that #wethepeople face around the world it seems that more folks are dealing (or NOT) with,

Once again Gov/Corp to the rescue (they've got you covered from the cradle to the grave it seems eh)

With a plethora of reasons they proffer to off yourself, the #thecanadiangovernment starting March 2023 will help you kill yourself,

Again not to make light of the situation but I could humbly suggest a few (ok more than a few) of those in 'elected' positions along with their elitists friends could do us all a favour and make like a tree and leave,

Bless you all, may compassion, kindness and love find you when most needed, reach out if your feeling a little more coo-cco for cocoa puffs than normal and remember, you are not alone,

we are all in this together, not some suits in ivory towers dictating what happens in our lives,

Practice #peacefulnoncompliance #justsayno to their tyranny and #fightforyourrights and those of future generations.
~your friendly neighbourhood Chili Bu

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