VACCULAM666 VACCINE DETOX - Body EMP/ Giant Coil Theraphy Kills Nanotech/ Graphene Hydroxide

2 years ago

Body E.M.P (ElectroMagneticPulse) of Michael Chapala from mexico (Giant Coil Therapy), Hopefuly with Help and Mercy of God, KILLS Nanotechnology/ NanoBots/ NanoBioelectrics, G.O. or Graphene Oxide, Super Intelligent Programmable Dark Matter or BLACK GOO/GU from Chemtrails & our fellowmen who have been Decieved & Vackzineyted -

Direct link to the Original Video Upload of Michael Chapala :

"Giant Coil Treatment treats the whole body with an EMP killing the organism instantly. You've been looking for a solution...Well here it is. Video shows the equipment and a client gives her testimony of how effective the treatment is. Morgellons has finally been conquered."

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