Questions, Answers, & More | Part 3 of 4 | Gary Hamrick

2 years ago

The third of a four-part series in which Pastor Gary Hamrick answers viewers' questions about the Bible!

00:00 - Start
00:49 - 1. Was the American Revolution Biblically legitimate?
07:35 - 2. How do we respond to Christians who say we should stay out of politics?
13:32 - 3. Do you have to be a Republican to be a Christian?
15:55 - 3. How should Christians view immigration policies?
21:58 - 4. How should we deal with job policies we don’t agree with?
24:57 - 5. What should be our response to our LGBTQ friends?
31:04 - 6. Is same-sex attraction a sin?
33:00 - 7. How do we protect our children from the societal push of ‘sexual-fluidity’?
37:15 - 8. How can we best minister to the LGBTQ community?
41:03 - 9. How should the Church respond to racial issues?

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