“Let’s Change The California Handyman Laws Together”

2 years ago

In 2019 the CSLB organized a campaign to introduce a bill that would increase the California limits from $500 to $1000. This potential bill met with resistance because law makers weren't willing to increase value and encourage businesses that aren't governed and with no requirement of lic and insurance so the bill was never formed. In 2020 we introduce a petition to raise limits to $2500.  We got the attention of the CSLB who acknowledged their support for handyman rights and the work the UHA is doing to certify businesses and especially the background checks.  We also are providing the answer to their resistance offering a certified handyman license requiring insurance and business license will go a long way to help with getting a bill to pass legislation. We are using California as a catapult to make changes in every state and we are spending time building relationships in every state and so far we have met with great support.
When this happens being UHA Certified may be a requirement as we are the only association offering a certified license program. In the mean time our certification is creating lax enforcement. Certified members are taught how to conduct business in their state through loop holes, Making more money and taking on more jobs with less enforcement of the strict laws for UHA certified members is making a difference. State agencies like the CSLB are not allowed to publicly endorse the UHA because we are considered a private organization but since we are screening and monitoring the busineses they are trying to license we have their respect. We are able to do what they are not.  Being private we can run a background on any person without consent.  Government isn't allowed that right.  So if your business has been screened, passed a test and you have current insurance and business license you are showing them you are acting as a responsible business owner and will have at the very least leniency when you come across them.  However we teach you how to avoid getting caught up in a sting anyway.

Now is the time to become certified and show your support for change. The more certified members we can show in each state will be the fuel we need to find the support we need to pass new bills to change your local laws.
If you are a certified member then make sure you complete the process to be certified and make sure you keep your insurance up to date in our system. If you are a member then upgrade to become certified in your member area.                                                      If you are not a member become certified at https://theuha.net/amember/signup
Lets get you certified, increase value, show logo and support change for a better industry.  It's very low cost means the benefits are higher.
Let's work together for change and respect for our trade.

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