Natural Medicine For Cancer Treatment - Dr. Lance Morris & Ashley James - #132

2 years ago

Cancer Treatment Through Naturopathy, Energy Frequency and Greenopathy

There are a lot of cancer treatment available nowadays. Dr. Lance Morris will explain today how Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Energy Frequencies and Greenopathy treat this disease.

Preemie Baby

Morris was a preemie baby during an era when premature babies did not survive. His parents sent up an oxygen tent at home, and along with his two sisters, they watched over him 24/7 until he was healthy.

cancer treatment
Premature babies' weakest link are the lungs. So growing up Morris always had chronic sinusitis, bronchitis, and asthma. He had a frequent respiratory crisis, and the standard solution was always Allopathic intervention. But it never really helped.

Getting Into The Vegan Diet

In the 60s, when Morris was a freshman in high school, there was this group of students who were vegan. And that was not common then. He wanted to hang out with them, and they agreed, provided he wouldn't bring any animal products to their table during breaks.

"Three months into that, I woke up one morning and I felt something was different. I realized I wasn't coughing, gagging, snorting, sneezing or taking medicine," recalls Morris.

Morris added, "It seemed like going vegan erased all those health problems. So I decided to confirm that fact by re-introducing dairy into my diet. The health issues can back."

Apparently, Morris was allergic to dairy. Dairy is the #1 allergen on our planet.

"Naturopathy is a discipline that looks to nature. All mammals nurse species-specific. Based on that, what is true is that humans should consume human mother's milk until weaning like all animal species," Morris explains. "Milk is good only for the species to which it is intended and not cross-species."

Morris further says that if you look at the biochemistry of milk, you'll see that human milk is different from cow milk. Cow milk is one of the worse possible choices. Goat or sheep milk is a much better choice, but even that won't work because I have a very active allergy to dairy products.

Getting Into Naturopathy

Morris started studying all about nature and looking into medicine. In his junior year of college, he went to Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington.

Morris met his wife there who was studying Organic Farming. She turned him on to Naturopathy. So Morris finished pre-med and went to Bastyr University. He graduated in 1985.

Morris has been in practice now for 35 years in Naturopathic Medicine, but he has a healthy respect for Allopathic Medicine.

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