Advice and Tips for Going to a Dance Congress/Festival.

2 years ago

Advice and Tips for Going to a Dance Congress/Festival.

Before you even go – look at the schedule of events and circle the workshops you want to do, and figure out where the rooms are.

Make sure to bring enough clothes, you'll be sweating a lot. Also, make sure your shoes are up to the task, dance heels might be good for a 2-hour party, but not necessarily for a 3-day weekend festival. So bring maybe 2-3 different dance shoes.

If this is your first congress - don’t go 100% on the first day, or you may feel burned out by the end of it,
Choose your classes wisely, you are not going to have full energy for every single class so if there's a very intense class you want to be able to keep up then consider either taking more relaxed classes prior or skipping a few.
Keep in mind that Footwork classes are more intense / more of a workout than partner work classes.

Try to be at the front of classes no matter your level. The important thing is to be able to see.

Lastly, don't forget to stretch and take some ibuprofen with you because your legs and possibly knees will suffer. If you do get sore, Try to spend lots of time in the hotel hot tub, or bring some Epsom salts or a bath bomb for the bath to give your feet and legs some relief. This is best done right before any nap times. I always bring earplugs and an eye mask just in case your roommates or the neighbors are loud.
If you are in a new city and you have free time go out and explore the city. Also, dance with people you don't know, is a great opportunity to meet new people, and experience new leads and follows.

Miscellaneous items: mints, water bottle, a few cans of soda water, drinks with electrolytes, a travel-sized perfume, bring snacks, fruits, etc. to sustain your energy level, small towels, hand sanitizer,

More clothes than you think you’ll need - If you’re in the Congress hotel, you can always run up and change or grab something, If you are afraid of oversleeping - Don’t rely on your alarm, get the front desk to give you a wakeup call,


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Instagram: tw0_left_feet

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