Escaping the Matrix Episode Hosted by Joey Kramer | Episode 1 | Exploring the Wingmakers

2 years ago

In this first episode of "Escaping the Matrix" hosted by Joey Kramer, I will discuss the controversial mystery of the Wingmakers and the profound similarities and revelations they revealed to us regarding this moment in time for the human race.

In 1996, a mysterious alien artifact was found in the New Mexico desert by two hikers. They notified the US Government and the NSA which officially launched their research into what is known as the Ancient Arrow Project, leading to the creation of a new top-secret agency within the NSA, called the Advanced Contact Intelligence Agency or ACIO.

Through their classified research, they were led to, and discovered the Ancient Arrow Site and the astonishing materials buried within it many chambers. It was within these buried chambers that the materials and artifacts were found that were said to be left for humanity to discover at this time in our evolution, by a futuristic civilization now known as the Wingmakers.

There is a great deal of literature out there about who and what the Wingmakers were. Many believe it to be the nonsensical and make-believe work of a very creative writer. While others believe it to be something much more profound, teaching us universal truths that humanity is seeking at this moment in our evolutionary and spiritual ascension.

From my vast research, I've discovered striking similarities between the Wingmakers revelations and the many other important and profound documents I've studied such as The Law of One, The Urantia Book, and ACIM, just to name a few.

This video shares some background on the origins of the Wingmakers as well as their philosophies and wisdom that I am compelled to believe is true to the best of my intuition. Either way, it is a truly fascinating topic and I suggest you decide for yourself as to who you believe the Wingmakers were and what their true purpose was for humanity.

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About Joey
My name is Joey Kramer, and in December of 2020 I rewrote my DNA and it changed my life forever! Now, my purpose is to teach people around the world the principles of reality creation using our own wonderful imagination, and how harnessing the power of compassion, forgiveness, and love can allow us to rewrite our past, script out the future of our dreams, and help us live in the present moment in the reality that we choose.

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