Unity & Emuna Weekly Class by Eli Goldsmith - Plans of Daily Miracles!

4 years ago

Join our Monday Weekly #EmunaClass Live by Eli Goldsmith at 2:45pm approx Israel Time! #tyHashem Pic from recent Simchot!

😍 WATCH LIVE ON IGTV @Breslev_English

Extract from the new book TBA #UnitedSouls - Being that daily the future is so unknown and changing on a global scale, to plan for the future is almost a waste of time and lacks a realistic understanding of our 2020 generation! We need to also know that all of our lives have a destination and the global journey is also destined for a Unification that will clarify everything! So we invest our time and energy in the now not in what’s likely not to be! 2021 approaches at the time of writing this and it seems there are even less clarity and even more craziness than 2020 was! So what do we do about this, and how can we feel stable, secure, and happy in planning for a future that we know is changing constantly! The Emuna aka intrinsic belief in the Utopian future we all know intrinsically in our Soul will be a time of Real Unity and Joy! However, to live for this utopian goal and destiny isn’t emotionally encouraging at this moment right now, unless some special few have already manifested this Utopian future in the present now! Truthfully, Rav Shalom Arush, our special spiritual guide I have had the pleasure of working for, traveling with, and running a weekly studio class weekly since the beginning of this #CoronaChallenge has demonstrated in real-time an almost Utopian approach to everything and everyone! We have together hosted all kinds of speakers, musicians, and influencers in a Unity EMUNA Focused format in a new studio built just in time in central Jerusalem! Not needing or being able to travel has assisted the process of enhancing the message of Our United Soul experience online! Sharing the message of the soul through a Q/A format with special musical and inspirational guests, using technology to create private meetings and great live shows! Sharing this beyond to all the platforms including the growing popular Podcast space! Believing in the process of transitioning from in-person to online connection with people globally! Going ahead right now collaborating with our growing network and seeing manifest the United Soul vision we all pray for, strive for, and live for! Slowly our emotions catch up and believe there is a path of stability, security, and happiness within the chaos! A path to continue walking on with our loved ones and not allowing anything to distract us from our mission! Our destiny is secure and manifests in the now if we allow our every step to be filled with the knowledge that we are doing all we can to win this battle, ultimately the war! We are exactly where we are supposed to be, with who we are supposed to be with, and at the good time chosen for this gift of life! Let’s enjoy the fact that our United Soul flow is a growing consciousness and deserves our attention, full focus going ahead! May the journey forward into the future be elevated and uplifting together as United Souls!

For #onlineteaching & partnership - Emunalive.com!

Thanks, @jeffpulver & Lauren with co for hosting such good guests :)!
Excited to be teaching an online interactive course for our globally growing community! #unityclasses -
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pulveredu1058-united-souls-for-a-divisive-generation-tickets-130963273677?utm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&aff=escb&utm-source=cp&utm-term=listing - plz share on!

Real #inspired answers to the #CovidChallenge #dividedgeneration! Join our #collabalbum #2 united souls -UnityInspiresProjects@Gmail.com!
Thank you all for connecting - Eli Goldsmith from Jerusalem!

Please click on our Midnightrabbi inspired blog http://midnightabbi1eligoldsmith.wordpress.com/ umuse613@gmail.com email here! Your recommendation!

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