OVERCOMERS!!! Divorce, Remarriage and JESUS- Many Christians Will Miss Heaven

4 years ago

What do you believe? What does the Bible really say? This is the reading of: THE OVERCOMER’S NEWSLETTER written by E. R.
What Every Christian Should Know
Something is running rampant in the church that will cause many Christians to miss Heaven. Today there are many Christians in the church who are divorced and remarried. Some are even on their third, fourth or fifth marriages. Nearly every one of them believe that it is perfectly acceptable to be in these remarriages. After all, the pastor is not preaching against it and he may even be divorced and remarried himself along with many other congregants in the church.

There are many Christians who also believe that if their spouses commit adultery, they are free to divorce them and marry someone else. Still others believe that if their spouses abandon them, they are free to divorce and remarry. Yet others believe that if their spouses are abusive or
emotionally distance or they no longer love them, they are free to divorce their spouses and remarry. And, on and on they come up with reasons as to why they can divorce and remarry.

Let’s see what the Bible says, but before we get started there are two terms that need to be defined. The first term is “covenant marriage.” A covenant
marriage occurs when a never-married or widowed man marries a never-married or widowed woman. It is the only marriage that God recognizes. The second term is “remarriage.” A remarriage is when a person who is divorced from his or her covenant spouse marries someone else while the covenant spouse is still alive. As you read this newsletter, please keep an open heart and mind and let the Holy Spirit guide you.

~Can I marry someone else if my spouse abandons me?
~What about the woman at the well who had five husbands?
~What are some other New Testament scriptures regarding divorce and remarriage?
~Should Christians follow the Mosaic law?
~What breaks the marriage covenant?
~What should I do if I am already separated or divorced from my covenant spouse?
~What should I do if I am already divorced and remarried while my covenant spouse is still alive?

Matthew 19 Conclusion-
In conclusion, what does Matthew 19:3-12 really say about divorce and remarriage?
(1) Divorce for adultery, which is a capital offense, is unlawful because the
Mosaic law mandates a death sentence,

(2) Divorce for any non-capital offense, such as burning the dinner, nagging,
etc., is no longer permitted,

(3) Covenant marriage is for life,

(4) Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another is guilty of adultery and anyone who marries a divorced wife is guilty of adultery.

These are the hard facts and many will not accept them.

What is the conclusion of the matter?
The Church is full of Christians who have divorced and remarried while their
covenant spouses are still alive. They are committing adultery in these remarriages and have no idea what the Bible says about divorce and marriage or they have been taught faulty doctrine that allows them to divorce and remarry. Most are unaware that adultery is a salvation issue that will lead them to hell if they do not repent and leave their adulterous marriages (1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and Galatians 5:19-21). The Bible says that God’s people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).
The saddest part is when they are told the truth that remarriage after divorce is adultery, most will reject it. They will stubbornly refuse to believe the truth because a loved one is in an adulterous marriage or they are in one and they are unwilling to leave it or they believe faulty teaching. Some Christians that receive the truth that their remarriages are, in deed, adulterous will believe that to repent of their adultery all they have to do is ask for God’s forgiveness and continue on in their sin of adultery. Some will honestly not know that sin that is repented of, is sin that is no longer practiced. They think that grace will cover their sins by the mere act of them asking for forgiveness and that turning away from the sin is not necessary. This terrible state that a majority of the churches are in because of lack of knowledge, is not limited to the biblical teaching on marriage and divorce. . Many things that are critical to the success of Christians living godly lives,
that should be taught in the churches, are avoided or neglected. Fault cannot be entirely blamed on the pastors, preachers and teachers at the church. It also lies squarely on the congregants’ shoulders because they do not have a prayer life, nor do they diligently study their bibles. No wonder the church is in a mess.

Jesus, as the perfect sacrificial Lamb, came to save us from our sins. He came to make a new creature of anyone who is born again of His Holy Spirit giving that person the power to overcome sin in his life. Thus the believer can meet Jesus’ mandate against divorce and remarriage and fulfill God’s only intention for a covenant marriage which is one man married to one woman for life.

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