16 Preterist Papers Comparisons Olivet Discourse & I Cor. 15 and Mt. 24 & I Thes. 4-5

4 years ago

16 Preterist Papers Comparisons Olivet Discourse & I Cor. 15 and Mt. 24 & I Thes. 4-5

Some commentators believe there are two “second comings”—one taught by Jesus in the Olivet Discourse, which was fulfilled in the first century, and one taught by Paul in his letters which is future to us. Close examination reveals they are describing the same first-century event.

We are seeking to strip away the false assumptions and unbiblical “traditions of men” that hinder understanding the nature of “the Day of the Lord” or “the second coming,” as it is commonly called. The meaning of this event is obscured by futuristic assumptions and must be comprehended using a sound, contextual hermeneutic allowing scripture to interpret scripture. We are espousing “fulfilled eschatology”.

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