12/23/20 Wed: Trump vs Congress on 'Covid Relief'

4 years ago

0:00 Stream start
1:36 What I'll cover
7:08 Covid relief bill
19:55 T in AL
29:39 Justin, Big Sandy, TX
44:39 Art in OH
51:40 Super Chats
54:43 Tony in CA
1:00:32 Trump message
1:05:15 Mary in San Antonio, TX
1:11:48 Julio in RI
1:16:16 Dominion Coomer
1:25:22 Robert in CA
1:32:17 Howard in NC
1:42:11 Male Twitter MD
1:48:22 Kids with Covid
1:51:02 Russ in Hampton, VA
2:01:16 Thanks, all!

The Hake Report, Wednesday, December 23, 2020
That Covid relief bill subsidized the extravagant Kennedy Center! Trump wants $2,000 per person, not $600. We need to open and work again; don't listen to liberal liars!
President Trump delivered a Special Message, and said maybe he'll be the next administration!
Dominion liberal Eric Coomer is suing the Trump campaign, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, The Gateway Pundit, Newsmax, OANN, Michelle Malkin, Joe Oltmann, etc.
Liberal male MD on Twitter, ER doctor Jeremy Faust bashes Republican Rubio, not Dems Warren or AOC, for vaccinating before he gets to!
Some little kids are getting a serious Covid-related syndrome!
Also check out Hake News from today.

T from Alabama says Republicans are hypocrites for supporting the stimulus package.
Justin from Big Sandy, TX talks about a stimulus bill, and says he’s a libertarian. He and James get sidetracked on same-sex marriage.
Art from Ohio goes off!
Tony from California talks about the stimulus package. He’s so silly. He talked about lies, and referenced the Bible.
Mary from San Antonio, TX says we have to keep fighting.
Julio from Rhode Island urges people to be honest, and not want to be liked.
Robert from California calls James "Flash," and has some insights about "pothead" stuff.
Howard from North Carolina wants James’s take on the vaccine being promoted by libs, but headed by Trump.
Russ from Hampton, VA insists the election is over and that Trump lost, crying "petulant child" again. He likes Joel's rap skills: "Russ tryna fuss" or something. He wants James to have young people's views, not regurgitate Jesse.

BLOG POST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2020/12/23/122320-wed-trump-vs-congress-on-covid-relief

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show and produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND a nonprofit dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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