What Western Leaders & Media Don't Understand About Russia? – Colonel, PhD on Strategic Culture #001

2 years ago

Explanation and prediction of Russian state, how its toxic historical foundation, state cruelty, authoritarianism, broadly embedded hierarchy of corruption, shades of gray between truth, tactical truth, and lie, imperialism, conservatism, and exceptionalism hinders it from becoming a liberal free country.

https://twitter.com/maraj60 's public presentation from 2018-12-03 at University of Jyväskylä, Finland, with English subtitles became a hit with 1.6 M views in the spring of 2022. This video is the compete translation and interpretation of that presentation, created using artificial intelligence techniques (speech synthesis, optical character recognition, machine translation, and image classification).


39:41, 52:18, and 54:09 Masha Gessen: The Future Is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia, https://amzn.to/3PCpEJ3


Martti J. Kari (former intelligence colonel in the Finnish Defence Forces) (2018): "Venäläinen strateginen kulttuuri - miksi Venäjä toimii niin kuin se toimii?" [Russian strategic culture - Why Russia Does What It Does?].


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Hey Finns or Finnish speech recognition AI people, want to help us transcribe more videos, contact us or start these: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYqs0L65ccg4HvcsVOt6vccU6DkniUl-j

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