Therapy for Unwanted SSA Q&A Part 2: Strong Support Webinar

4 years ago

Here is the addendum video I made to answer the remaining questions from the webinar with Strong Support.
Note: Strong Support is an international organization for Muslims with unwanted same-sex lust/attraction and behavior. The director invited me to kick off their webinar series by talking about the trends in therapy for SSA. They were all fully aware that I am a Christian and they were respectful in understanding my perspective.

1:42 - What is the evidence of the efficacy of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)? And can it be performed via Zoom?
5:11 - If I cannot pay for therapy, what would you suggest that could be helpful?
7:57 - Do you have a baseline assumption of the sexual identity that someone can be born with? Is it fluid or fixed?
14:55 - What do you suggest when reading SSA materials and experiencing a sense of being overwhelmed?
16:05 - Lisa Diamond said sexuality is not rigid or unchangeable. What's going on in those individuals as they grow that's changing their sense of self?
20:23 - For someone with SSA, how do you know when you're ready for marriage?

#StrongSupport #TherapyforUnwantedSSA #Homosexuality #SOCE #TherapyEquality #AllianceforTherapeuticChoice #IFTCC

Strong Support Webinar
Part 1:
Part 2:
Q&A 1:

If you're a Muslim with unwanted SSA, check out Strong Support:

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