Funny Moments With Waking Oracle Clan! #destiny2 #funnymoments

2 years ago

Hi welcome to my channel. Here are some great clips put together of me and my clan just having fun and having a laugh. I really hope you like the content. this clan is amazing and there are some amazing people in here also.

If you like the content please hit that like and sub button and dont forget to smash the bell icon.

If your looking for a great clan then look no further then the waking oracle.
Feel free to hop into the discord and contact the the clan leader.
Even if you just want to chill and have a laugh with us all feel free to pop in anyway and say hi.
The discord is now built up for all your destiny 2 needs.

link to the discord

If you ever want to run some pvp or pve events or just chill with me. Go ahead and add me on bunigie MarshallGamingYT#7177

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