12/24/20 Thu: Merry Christmas! Trump Defends MEN Smeared by Media

4 years ago

0:00 Rough start for DLive
2:29 What I'll cover
5:25 Covid toll
12:09 Trump vetoes NDAA
26:20 Super Chats
28:20 Cody in Sacramento, CA
36:20 Samuel in Sweden
38:22 Robert in KS
47:58 Mandla in South Africa
55:33 Brian in Syracuse, NY
1:01:27 Break!
1:04:42 Covid relief bill
1:05:58 Donald in MI
1:18:15 Skip in Augusta, GA
1:31:24 Trump pardons
1:42:25 T in AL
1:45:20 Women on the rise
1:52:34 Henry in Pittsburgh, PA
2:01:09 Thanks, all!

The Hake Report, Thursday, December 24, 2020
Trump vetoes the NDAA, because Section 230 and Fort Hood, etc.
Trump’s pardons I see as a defense of men (except the "nonviolent drug crime")
Great calls, thank you! Merry Christmas! (Including those who don’t celebrate Pagan holidays!)
Bad news for America: Women rising in "power"; Black women too! but it’s not enough!
Also check out Hake News from today.

Cody from Sacramento, CA defends men falsely smeared by the media.
Samuel from Sweden wishes a merry Christmas, and will reflect on the year this Sunday on his show.
Robert from Kansas speaks on Iran, America, and Israel. He credits Trump on no new wars.
Mandla from South Africa also talks about Israel and the spirit.
Brian from Syracuse, NY talks about Ravi Zacharias and allegations against him
Donald from Michigan says Christmas is pagan and not something Christians should participate in.
Skip from Augusta, GA also isn’t for Christmas trees. Melinda Gates wants blacks prioritized for vaccines.
T from Alabama is his usual nasty self — he called on speaker when regular is SO MUCH BETTER!
Henry from Pittsburgh, PA is “grounded” at 25 by his mother and father. He and his father got counseling from JLP.

BLOG POST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2020/12/24/122420-thu-merry-christmas-trump-defends-men-smeared-by-media

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show and produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND a nonprofit dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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