Covidvaxx aint safe for pregneant women Pt2,my FOI to TGA

2 years ago

my recent FOI to TGA and west australian health dept has been very revealing,there is not a shred of eveidence covid=19 vaxx is safe for pregneat women but as you can see in west australian health dept notices i show in this video they say its safe for pregenant women with no caeveats at all,TGA says there are no studies done and they believe just because they have jabbed 200,000 pregneant women(and not even told them they are medical trial participants"ginea pigs" that they believe pfizezer and moderna are safe for pregneant women but say "caution should be used" when west australian dept of health notice just say yeah blast it up their arms regardlless LOL,FOI to TGA also reveals even they have questions as to wether or not astra zennica jab is safe for pregneant women LOL but say go ahead anyway if pfizezer or moderna not avil,this is fucking clown land shit and demonic for medical professionals to jab this shit into pregneant women with no idea of the side effects and say it's afe,hardly informed consent and as a result a crime against humanity,also i take issue with the health dept assertion that people had a free choice to take the vaxx when thay made laws and co-ercive liar advertisements on radio/TV/online which said the complete opposite,disgusting behavior from all involved anf they need to be lynched by an angry mob in the street instead of australia looking like an international laughing stock for willingly committing suicide/genocide just cos govt told them to or got sucked in by govt advertising campaign

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