Covid-19 vaxx aint safe for pregneant women Pt1

2 years ago

covid-19 vaxx aint safe for pregneant women,while west australian health dept trumpet it as "fully safe" for pregneant women my FOI request to TGA says otherwise,language like "use caution" and "we have some doubts about how safe astra zennica is for pregneant women" is quite worrying as is the fact THAT NO STUDIES HAVE BEEN DONE AS TO THE SAFETY OF THE VAXX IN PREGNEANT WOMEN,all the TGA FOI says is they have jabbed it into 200,000 pregneant women,thats their whole basis for declaring it SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,pfizier said themselves in court ordered release of documents from FDA in america they have NO IDEA wether or not its safe for pregneant women,TGA says study now underway but thats a bit late for the 200,000 ginea pigs they have already jabbed it into with unknown side effects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,personally i find it demonic that trained medical proffessionals have put women and unborn children at risk like this with callous disregard,a complete disgrace to the hippocratic oath and they should be immediatley de-registered,i have now been illegally banned from state library for a year and had to get out an old laptop set up as a 32 bit for automotive diagnosis cos police hacked my 64 bit lenovo and the city of perth now only uploads at 132kb/s whereas this old laptop loadat 3,3 megabits a second LOL,try as they might they will NEVER silence me

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