One Party State

4 years ago

Today we start by addressing the last video. This is the very reason I do not like discussion politics, people always get upset. I am not exactly sure how pandemic response became political, but it certainly has. This subject will now be added to my taboo conversation topics list lol.

I have been hearing a lot about Trump calling for a protest in Washington D.C. on January 6th, and have debated going to see what happens. Is this a good idea? Or is the $#!% about to hit the fan? I am really curious.

If you have been thinking of attending the protest, my advice is not to back down because someone tells you it could be dangerous. If you believe in it, then you should be there. When we do not stand for what we believe, bad things happen. That is exactly how Nazi Germany happened, too many good people didn't stand up to what was happening.

On to other topics, your eyes are not deceiving you, I have been gaining weight in the US. This was anticipated, and happens every time I come back. American food has a bit more "nutrition" than its Chinese counterpart. By that I mean that small portions are loaded with incredible amounts of calories. Chinese food tends to be fresh, unprocessed food. Chop up some vegetables, throw them in a pan, and you've got Chinese home cooking.

Now lets address my thoughts on politics. Democrat, republican, all the same. In Washington they all attend the same parties. They all go to the same clubs. In congress they seem to toss a coin to decide who will pretend to be opposition, and who will move things forward. Progressivism is the name of the game. Our politicians make all sorts of promises, then go to Washington and work on their real goals. They don't care about you and I. People like Pelosi and Mitch are as plastic and fake as they come, and likely bought and paid for by every country under the sun that has an interest in US foreign policy.

Whatever it is the people at the top think we need, we don't. Our society, as it was intended, is a very flexible system. If you want to pursue everything to better yourself, then you are free to do so. If you want to pursue communism, there is nothing stopping you from getting together with your like minded friends and pooling your resources. You can live in a communist community in the United States. We don't all have to be the same thing. I guess that makes me a libertarian. Do as you will, and let me do as I will.

With all of that in mind, maybe its time for someone to hit that reset button on the federal government. Chaos may result, but it has to be better than this, and it is certainly better than a civil war.

Let me know what you think, be sure to comment. If you enjoyed the video, subscribe to the channel and be sure to hit that notification bell.

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