HYGGE | Yacht Tours, Christmas, & Other Cozy Things | A Highly Irregular Video Essay

4 years ago

Yacht Tours are popular on Youtube. Crazy popular. But WHY? Is it because they give us a glimpse of how the other side lives? Maybe. But I think there's more to it than that. I think it's because yachts give us a sense of warmth and coziness that we crave. The same motivation underlies the popularity of such things as Tiny Houses, ASMR, and Adult Swaddling.

Human beings like small spaces.

We know that things like Cuddling and Hugging release oxytocin, which calms you, activates your parasympathetic nervous system., and encourages bodily functions that are necessary to flourishing both physiologically and psychologically. And though I haven't seen any studies on it, I can't help but wonder if cozy spaces don't have an analogous physiological effect. Does a tiny house cause our bodies to release oxytocin like a hug?

There's a crazy Scandinavian decorating trend called Hygge, a term which may very well derive from the word which means to embrace, to hug. Hygge is about coziness, about building a cozy home, a space, a room, a house that embraces you. It gained popularity a few years ago, when a whole slew of blogposts, articles, and even books were published suggesting that this philosophy of coziness is why the Danish people are some of the happiest people on earth.


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Yacht Photography and Video by Yachting Image


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