5 on Friday Vaping News Science and Advocacy Report for December 25th 2020 #HunkyVapeNews

4 years ago

This is your Hunky Vape 5 on Friday Vaping News, Science, and Advocacy Report for the 25th of December 2020. On the news today:
With good Christmas Cheer, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has agreed to suspend the flavor vape ban until the November 2022 election… might have something to do with the millions of signatures asking for a referendum vote.
In Canada the CVA is sick of the incessant scrutinization of the vape industry, and even worse being compared to the deadly tobacco industry so it turns the check once again and quotes a study indicating vaping could prevent 6.6 million deaths and even under a pessimistic scenario 20.8 million life years could added to society if anti-vaping zealots would simply find a new hobby… like chasing a boomerang or tie a roo down, or tan a pav hide. Anything more constructive than what they’re doing now.
In Time Business News we find a moppet written article titled Why vaping is set to grow even more in 2021.
And after a little tom foolery we’ll look at a Bloomberg article talking about how billionaires only got richer after china banned online sales of e-cigarettes. Yeah… the founder and vice general manager of Smoore Int. are 16.3 Billion Dollars richer. Keep this story in mind when you hear about the US Vape Mail Ban in the 2021 Federal Budget aka your $600 stimulus check bill

In Australia It’s Christmas Day 2020 and the Vaping Bogan drinks a beer while chatting with ecigclick. .
And the highlighted advocacy group today is naturally: Legalise Vaping Australia
#HunkyVape #VapeNews #VapeScience #VapeAdvocacy #VapingNews #VapingScience #VapingAdvocacy #HunkyVapeNews

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has agreed to suspend the flavor ban until the November 2022 election
â–º https://vaping360.com/vape-news/107236/california-flavor-ban-will-go-on-hold-until-nov-2022/

CVA Quotes Study Indicating That Vaping Could Prevent 6.6 Million Deaths
â–º https://www.vapingpost.com/2020/12/22/cva-quotes-study-indicating-that-vaping-could-prevent-6-6-million-deaths/

Why vaping is set to grow even more in 2021
â–º https://timebusinessnews.com/why-vaping-is-set-to-grow-even-more-in-2021/

A Vaping Billionaire Only Got Richer After China’s Online Ban
â–º https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-12-21/a-vaping-billionaire-only-got-richer-after-china-s-online-ban

The Vaping Bogan Chats With EcigClick – It’s A G’day For Beers and Vaping!
â–º https://www.ecigclick.co.uk/the-vaping-bogan-chats-with-ecigclick/

Legalise Vaping Australia
â–º https://www.legalisevaping.com.au/

â–º https://www.patreon.com/HunkyVape

--- Join HUNKY VAPE on Facebook ---
â–º https://www.facebook.com/HunkyVapeUS

--- HUNKY VAPE Website ---
â–º https://hunkyvape.com/

â–º https://vaportechnology.org/
â–º https://www.casaa.org/
â–º https://vaping.org/
â–º https://sfata.org/

â–º https://www.legalisevaping.com.au/
â–º https://athra.org.au/

â–º https://thecva.org/
â–º https://www.rights4vapers.com/

â–º https://www.eurovape.eu/

â–º https://vpasa.org.za/

--- United Kingdom ADVOCACY ---
â–º https://nnalliance.org/

--- Global ADVOCACY ---
â–º https://www.worldvapersalliance.com/

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