Morning Musings # 117 - Are we writing HIS-Story or OUR-Story? Who is it really about?

2 years ago

At first, when we are confronted with the prospect that... "OMG! The Bible story isn't true" - our mind, our programmed MIND doesn't know what to do with it, so it goes into shock it goes into actual shock and that's what causes the resistance.

Just imagine, you just dropped into this earth, this life with no #history no #future and you are here. You have no knowledge of any #bible story, and you are simply HERE. What are you going to do with that?

And that's exactly, I believe is what we need to reset ourselves with. Start, let go of the history, everything that we have learned up to this time and start over with no history. You start writing YOUR story, not HIS Story. #hisstory #yourstory

And that is terrifying for most people to entertain, because their whole existence and identity was built around "His" Story, and usually we call that #jesus story. But we didn't come here to live Jesus' Story, we didn't come here to live by His story... we came here to write our OWN story.

And I keep harping on this, because I want to try and help people into the #present , and not continually live in the #past ... based on past His-Story. But I want to encourage you to write YOUR story; your story as Linda, Cheri, Pam... I want you guys to write YOUR story, not HIS story.

So I am going to continue putting out little and big #triggers like this just to #reset our #psyche , to reset the #memory like you do on the computer. Sometimes you gotta #reboot . And I want to #encourage people to reboot into NEW possibilities; you don't have to run on the old established program, infrastructure of the Christian program. And in other #cultures , it's there those programs. We don't have to run on history, we are here to write our story.

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