Vinnies Tax Appeal - June 2022

2 years ago

My dear brothers and sisters,
I'd like to speak to you briefly about one of our Catholic organizations within Australia and in fact
worldwide. The St Vincent de Paul Society. Many people don't realize that the St Vincent de Paul Society is probably Australia's biggest charity.

They do so much work in housing, looking after those who have no food, Umpteen, umpteen
works. This time they are highlighting the whole area of domestic violence and what they can do to help support people who suffer as a result of domestic violence.

They're making their appeal because they rely heavily on our donations and donations to the Vincent de Paul of course can I just remind you our tax deductible.

So please support this very worthwhile organization that carries out the arm of the Church which reaches out to those in greatest need.
Jesus very clearly made it, at the, one of the one of the main things He talked about is loving each other and helping those in need.

When you do to my brothers and sisters, you do it to me. So my dear brothers and sisters, let's support this very worthwhile organization and a big thank you to so many of you who volunteer to support the work of St Vincent de Paul and the various conferences and in other ways.

God bless you all.
+Bishop Charles Gauci

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