Dr John Tay (Singapore) on keeping well jab-free

2 years ago

Dr John Tay (Singapore) on keeping well jab-free
Dr John Tay (Singapore) shares how he and his family keeps well without taking the Covid jabs.

John Tay医生(新加坡)分享自己和家人作为未接种疫苗者的经历
John Tay医生(新加坡)讲述他和家人作为未接种疫苗者安然度过疫情期间的经历

From our event: How "safe" are the Covid-19 vaccines really? 27/3/2022

For the Full Video (Live): https://rumble.com/vyogin-how-safe-are-the-covid-19-vaccines-really.html (Start from 0:33:43hrs)

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