Pfizer/Lyrica/MRNA/Cas 9/Crispr To Reap Death Pain Misery For Filthy Lucre

2 years ago

Pfizer proudly brought to you this product Lyrica which has an exhaustive list of adverse effects. How is this Legal? Remember those Nuremberg code trials?


Worst of which can make you suicidal, hallucinogenic to the point of

The Australian Government sanctioned a Big Pharma Company Pfizer with a history of Negligence/Death/Injury and Lawsuits to prescribe us ALL Australians a Bad Medicine cv19 SO CALLED VACCINE to save us from something that has less than a 1 percent mortality rate Covid. (A bio lab engineered flu strain) To the point of you cant work, make money, survive or save for anything unless you do what they say and roll up your sleeve for your lethal injection.

Gods Judgment comes to all the moment we die. Take our last breath.

His will, Justice/Recompense/Rewards is/are swift and deserved due to the works we did in our bodies on this earth.

Some die blameless (Gods Children) and receive eternal life Heaven and others eternal separation Hell everlasting Shame and Contempt from Father God where there thirst is never quenched.

These bastards (illegitimate children of their father the Devil) that have brought us these Bio lethal injections at the ultimatum of communist style No Jab No Work.

I'd like to think when you enter into Dante's inferno depiction of Hell (not necessarily biblically accurate)

that the FIRES BURN JUST THAT BIT HOTTER for you unrepentant, Non redeemable, soul destroyed, children of Lucifer, Mongrel inbred rapid dogs.

Retribution is Gods domain. Its everlasting and just.

God is love in that he sent his only begotten Son to die in our place, for our sin, only to pick up his life once again showing that he is God.

Jesus offers forgiveness of Sins and eternal bliss happiness everything that we hold good in this life. Will you take him up on his offer?

Behold he is at the door. If anyone knocks...

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