Midweek Bible Study | Revelation 22:2-21 | Gary Hamrick

3 years ago


00:00 - Welcome
00:41 - Introduction
01:29 - Timeline of events
04:49 - The description of the city
05:22 - The population in the city
05:37 - The invitation to the city
08:18 - The water of life
10:11 - The tree of life
23:10 - The “Seven Beatitudes” of Revelation
23:50 - 1) Blessed are those who read, hear, and keep what is written in Revelation
24:32 - 2) Blessed are the believers who are martyred during the Tribulation
24:51 - 3) Blessed are the Believers on earth during the Tribulation who keep themselves pure…
25:33 - 4) Blessed are Believers who will celebrate with Jesus at the wedding banquet of the Lamb
25:57 - 5) Blessed are those who have part in the first resurrection…
26:26 - 6) Blessed are those who keep the words of the prophecy of Revelation
30:58 - 7) Blessed are those who obey God’s commandments

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