What Hinders Fruitfulness? | Mark 4 | Gary Hamrick

3 years ago

When the Bible calls us to be “fruitful” it means that the qualities, characteristics, and virtues of Jesus should be more and more evident in our lives. But what are some things that hinder that fruitfulness? Jesus explains three things that hinder our fruitfulness in the Parable of the Sower. Join Pastor Gary for today’s teaching as we learn about three particular things that threaten our fruitfulness—Satan, persecution, and the world.

00:00 - Welcome
00:41 - Introduction
04:12 - 4 types of soil
16:38 - What hinders fruitfulness?
21:20 - Background on Satan
28:51 - 2. Personal Persecution
34:10 - 3. Worldy Wants

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