Midweek Special | Judge Ken Starr & Pastor Gary Hamrick

3 years ago

00:00 - Welcome
00:41 - Introduction
06:20 - What are some cases where religious liberty prevailed?
10:05 - Separation of Church & State
15:28 - Cancel culture in our country
22:40 - How do we exercise our faith in a world that seems to be increasingly hostile to our faith?
28:26 - How should we as believers be in the face of relentless antagonism?
30:34 - Paul in Romans valued the importance of obeying government and yet in Acts appealed to Caesar, talk about that tension a little bit.
34:49 - The Equality Act
40:21 - Is it legal for the government to mandate a covid vaccine?
43:37 - What is your take on the expansion of the supreme court?
45:35 - Freedom for all persons, how can the killing of unborn babies be allowed to continue?
49:21 - What are your thoughts on Critical Race Theory?
52:31 - What are the bounds of federal employees expressing their faith in the workplace (ie- on federal property)?
56:34 - What protections are in place for the Church’s tax exempt status?

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