Health Freedom Defense Fund Founder, Leslie Manookian: Financial Insider Turned Freedom Fighter

2 years ago

Health Freedom Defense Fund Founder, Leslie Manookian: Financial Insider Turned Powerful Freedom Fighter | Richard Sacks

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 5/29/22

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When the Biden Administration's unseen bosses (certainly not the figurehead "president") decided we all need to wear 'face diapers', self-suffocation devices when traveling by air, Health Freedom Defense Fund founder Leslie Manookian knew two things that should have been clear to all of us. First, that facemasks have no ability to stop transmission of viruses because they are far smaller than the holes that allow partial air flow through the masks but instead actually impede normal breathing (, and second, that there was and is no legal authority to impose this psychologically and physically damaging procedure on Americans against their will. Constitutionally recognized rights belong to all people, not just Americans. These rights come from God, and cannot ever be suspended or cancelled in ANY emergency. It's time we remembered what the American Founders knew and fought for.

Now we also have another relevant piece of information. Incredible as it may seem to most people who have blind faith in authority, especially "health" authorities, to date there is no evidence of the existence of a SARS-Cov2 virus. There is evidence of some kind of toxin in circulation since the "pandemic" was declared, and evidence of mass injury and death being caused by the deadly vaccine for "COVID-19," but no evidence at all of a virus causing the disease that goes by this name. The inescapable conclusion is that there is a globally-coordinated, deadly collusion ongoing between governments, major media, "health" agencies at all levels, corrupt academia, fake scientists and various other partners in this unprecedented international crime against humanity. You are not under any circumstances supposed to figure this out.

Health Freedom Defense Fund ( has a stated mission to defend bodily autonomy as the most fundamental of human rights. HFDF is dedicated to education and action. So what was the response of HFDF to the mask mandate? They accepted the challenge that many would have considered impossible, they sued the Biden administration, and they won in court ( Thank HFDF when you're allowed to breathe freely on your next trip on a U.S. airline. But there is much more to this great organization's work for freedom than just setting us free from the air travel mask mandate. Hear from the Founder herself how she came out of the high-level financial world with a deep understanding of the corruption ruling so much of our lives, with a determination to help create a new world where we can live our lives free of tyranny of any kind. I hope you'll be there to hear Leslie's story this weekend.

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Richard Sacks, Host

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