Episode 108 - White As Snow with Cindy Harless

3 years ago

This week, we talk to Cindy Harless of Abortion Recovery Alabama. We will be talking about her mission and ministry to help women who have had abortions and feel deep regret. We will talk about how abortion affects those who have gone through it and how she helps women become forgiven and set free.

Also, her son is super handsome.

Check out her mission over at https://abortionrecoveryalabama.org/

If you would like to donate to her cause, you can do that here: https://give.cornerstone.cc/abortionrecoveryalabama/

If you need help now, check out: https://www.internationalhelpline.org/

Or give them a call at 1-866-482-5433

Grab some truly great coffee over at http://rymcoffee.com and use promo code TheMadOnes at checkout for 10% off.

Don't forget to grab some incredible beef jerky over at https://www.righteousfelon.com/ and use promo code MadOnes for 10%off there as well.

If I forgot to link something here that I said I would, shoot me a tweet and I'll send it to you.

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