Episode 121 - A Merry and Mad Christmas

3 years ago

Join us for our Christmas party! We will carouse and chat and maybe have some special guests. If you don’t join us. You get coal in your stocking.

Grab some truly great coffee over at http://rymcoffee.com and use promo code TheMadOnes at checkout for 10% off.

Grab a Mad Ones mug to drink it with at https://www.etsy.com/shop/themadonesshop/

Don't forget to grab some incredible beef jerky over at https://www.righteousfelon.com/ and use promo code MadOnes for 10% off there as well.

If I forgot to link something here that I said I would, shoot me a tweet and I'll send it to you.

Find us on:
Rokfin: https://rokfin.com/TheMadOnes
Merch: https://wearethemadones.com/store
Cam's Twitter: https://twitter.com/CamHarless/
Jessica's Twitter: https://twitter.com/soupcanarchist/
And our website: http://wearethemadones.com/
Listen to everything else on the MLGA Network: https://mlganetwork.com/

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