Karen says “get the f out of my country”

3 years ago

A video showing a woman swearing at the general manager of a Mexican restaurant in West Virginia for speaking Spanish went viral.

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“English is our first language, so you need to speak English,” the woman, identified in the video as Jill, screamed at Sergio Budar, the manager. “Get the f--- out of my country.”

“It makes me feel angry, sad. It's unbelievable that we're still seeing this kind of behavior to this day,” Budar, who's originally from Mexico, told NBC News. “I’ve been living here for almost two decades, and counting. I got my U.S. citizenship while here, but that doesn’t mean that people can’t speak other languages that are not English.”

As Jill continues to scream at Budar, saying that she has “no problem with the way he looks,” the man dining with her tries to stop her from shouting. karen,karens,karen 2020,angry karen,insane karen,karen tiktok,karen tiktoks,karen moments,karen go brrr,best karen story,karen gets owned,top karen moments,karen compilation,karen complaining,karen compilations,best karen moments,funny karen videos,karen complications,karen freakouts,the karens of tiktok,karen public freakout,karen's getting angry,funniest karen videos,public karen freakout,karen public freakouts,karen public complications,may At the same time, one of the chefs that works at the restaurant intervened in the situation.

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