Let's Play - Pokémon Blue part 8

2 years ago

I go to the gym to fight Lt. Surge. I'd recommend you save after you find the first switch before you looking for the second one. That way you won't have to trouble yourself starting all over when check the wrong can. Then I go to Route 11 to fight the trainers and lastly, we go through Diglett's Cave.

Also, fun fact that I forgot to mention is that Sandstorm is the nickname of one of my OC's pokemon. It's not nothing to do with Warriors.

Normally, I would post a link to where I got the game ROM, but I'm going to keep it secret, because I don't want the Nintendo ninjas to kill that website like they did with Emu Paradise. Sorry to say, but you're going to have to find a emulator ROM site on you own. But I will share you the link to Visual Boy Advance: http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/gba/vboyadvance.html There's so many Visual Boy downloads, I don't remember where I got it from or if this one is legitimate. Let me know in the comments section, if this link is fake.

Tags: Red Dragonette, gaming, video game, videogame, playthrough, walkthrough, RPG, Gameboy, Game Boy, Nintendo, Pokemon, Red, Wartortle, Sandshrew, Sandslash, Zubat, Bellsprout, Abra, Farfetch'd, Spearow, Diglett, Lt. Surge, Voltorb, Pikachu, Raichu, evolution, sailor, engineers, gamblers, rocker, gentleman, youngsters, sleeping Snorlax blocking the road, random switches, TM24, thunderbadge, thunder badge, tunnel, Vermilion City, Route 11, Diglett's Cave,

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