Don’t Worry About It | Luke 12 | Gary Hamrick

3 years ago

All of us worry some of the time, and some of us worry all of the time, but Jesus tells us not to worry any of the time!  Yes, worry is a sin!  Jesus addressed the topic of worry and anxiety head-on in Luke 12.  In today’s study, Pastor Gary will unpack this passage and encourage us to give our worries and anxieties to the only One who can help us—the Lord Jesus.

00:00 - Welcome
00:42 - Introduction
04:30 - Why do we worry? What do we typically worry about? How can we fight against the sin of worry?
05:53 - 1) Why do we worry?
06:53 - The root of the word “worry”
09:03 - 2) What do we typically worry about?
15:34 - 7 Things we typically worry about
21:11 - 3) How can we fight against the sin of worry?
21:23 - A) Take captive every thought
28:38 - C) Pray it through until you get God’s peace

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